• Видео 394
  • Просмотров 19 143 064
Selling Children director Pankaj Johar⎜THE WHY ASKS ⎜(Interview)
Pankaj Johar left his job in finance to pursue his love for documentary films and creating social impact. As part of our WHY SLAVERY? campaign, he directed the 2018 film ‘Selling Children’. We are delighted to announce that this film is The Why’s film of the month of June in honour of World Day Against Child Labour on the 12th of June.
Johar’s documentary is an insight into the presence of child slavery in India today, fueled by poverty and inequality. It follows the lives of children from all over India who have been denied a childhood and an education to be sold to work in mica mines, pick tea leaves at plantations, or work as domestic helpers. Some young girls are even sold as brides.
Просмотров: 220


Просмотров 1592 месяца назад
Dark clouds hang over the cornfields of Storm Lake, Iowa, which has seen its fair share of change in the 40 years since Big Agriculture came to town. Farmers blow their life savings on new equipment they hope will keep their livelihoods intact. Migrant workers flock here-welcome and not-for their slice of the American Dream. The people of Storm Lake confront a changing community as global force...
خروج از فرقه⎜چرا داستان ها⎜(مستند)
Просмотров 1313 месяца назад
بیش از 16 میلیون نفر در جهان به مذهب مورمون تعلق دارند. یکی از گروه‌های آن، معروف به کلیسای مقدسین روز آخر، در قرن نوزدهم چند همسری را انجام می‌داد و در آن زمان در جنایات علیه بشریت در ایالات متحده دست داشت. اما در یک جامعه خاص در کشور، یک گروه بنیادگرا هنوز چند همسری را انجام می‌دهند، و پیروان مجبورند از دستورات ارباب خود اطاعت کنند - حتی اگر این امر شامل سوء استفاده جنسی و کودک باشد. به همین ...
मैं एक यजीदी गुलाम था⎜गुलामी क्यों?⎜(दस्तावेज़ी)
Просмотров 1393 месяца назад
अगस्त 2014 में, उत्तरी इराक के सिंजर में यजीदी लोगों के तेजी से आक्रमण के दौरान इस्लामिक स्टेट का अकल्पनीय अनुपात में नरसंहार हुआ। युवा यज़ीदी महिलाओं को बूढ़ों से अलग करके मोसुल के गैलेक्सी सिनेमा में ले जाया गया। वहां उनका जुलूस निकाला गया, उनका चयन किया गया, उन्हें गुलाम बनाया गया, उन पर अत्याचार किया गया और व्यवस्थित रूप से उनके साथ बलात्कार किया गया। कुछ तो केवल 11 वर्ष के थे। यह फिल्म आईए...
नर्क में नौकरानी⎜गुलामी क्यों?⎜(दस्तावेज़ी)
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नौकरानी इन हेल हमें 35 वर्षीय मैरी किबवाना से मिलवाती है, जो जॉर्डन में घरेलू सहायिका के रूप में काम करने वाली हजारों प्रवासी महिलाओं में से एक है। अपने नियोक्ता के निवास पर एक घटना के बाद, मैरी को केन्या में उसके घर वापस भेज दिया गया - जहां वह व्हीलचेयर पर पहुंची, उसके शरीर का 70 प्रतिशत हिस्सा जल चुका था। दो महीने बाद, मैरी की चोटों के कारण मृत्यु हो जाती है। यह कहानी उत्पीड़न, दुर्व्यवहार, ब...
सौर माँ⎜गरीबी क्यों?⎜(दस्तावेज़ी)
Просмотров 463 месяца назад
क्या सौर इंजीनियरिंग की शिक्षा जॉर्डन में महिलाओं के लिए गरीबी से बाहर निकलने का रास्ता साबित होगी? राफिया एक बेडौइन पति की दूसरी पत्नी है। उन्हें भारत में बेयरफुट कॉलेज में भाग लेने के लिए चुना गया है जो गरीब समुदायों की अशिक्षित मध्यम आयु वर्ग की महिलाओं को लेता है और उन्हें सौर इंजीनियर बनने के लिए प्रशिक्षित करता है। कॉलेज का 6 महीने का कार्यक्रम दुनिया भर से महिलाओं को एक साथ लाता है। अंग्...
कृपया मेरे लिए वोट करें⎜लोकतंत्र क्यों?⎜(दस्तावेज़ी)
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प्लीज वोट फॉर मी लोकतंत्र में एक छोटे प्रयोग का अनुसरण करता है, जिसमें मध्य चीन के शहर वुहान में तीसरी कक्षा में क्लास मॉनिटर के लिए पहली बार चुनाव होता है। यह फिल्म तीन 8-वर्षीय बच्चों के लेंस के माध्यम से लोकतांत्रिक मतदान प्रक्रिया पर एक मनोरंजक दृश्य प्रस्तुत करती है, क्योंकि वे कक्षा मॉनिटर की प्रतिष्ठित स्थिति के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धा करते हैं, जिन्हें शिक्षकों और स्नेही माता-पिता द्वारा प्रोत...
بردگان مخفی کره شمالی 'قهرمانان دلاری'⎜چرا برده داری؟⎜(مستند)
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.3 месяца назад
رژیم کره شمالی که به شدت در تنگنای نقدی قرار دار یکی از بزرگترین عملیات برده داری در جهان را انجام میدهد. بهره برداری از سود برای تحقق برنامه خود. این کارگران را می توان در روسیه، چین و ده ها کشور دیگر در سراسر جهان - از جمله کشورهای عضو اتحادیه اروپا- یافت. بردهای مخفی کره شمالی: قهرمانان دلار با فیلم های مخفی و شهادتنامه های قدرتمند، مقیاس و وحشیانه عملیات را نشان می دهد کارگردانان: Sebastian...
خدمتکار در جهنم⎜چرا برده داری؟⎜(مستند)
Просмотров 1243 месяца назад
خدمتکار در جهنم ما را با مری کی بووانا 35 ساله آشنا می کند که تنها یکی از هزاران زن مهاجری است که به عنوان یک کمک خانه در اردن کار می کند. پس از یک حادثه در محل سکونت کارفرمایش، مری با هواپیما به خانه خود در کنیا بازگردانده می شود - جایی که او با صندلی چرخدار می رسد و 70 درصد بدنش سوخته است. دو ماه بعد مری بر اثر جراحات وارده جان خود را از دست داد. این داستانی اجمالی به نظر رایج آزار و اذیت، سو...
فروش کودکان⎜چرا برده داری؟⎜(مستند)
Просмотров 2213 месяца назад
در بزرگترین دموکراسی جهان هند، میلیون‌ها کودک آسیب‌پذیر خریداری و فروخته می‌شوند و فقط آنچه که برای بقای یک روز دیگر نیاز دارند به آنها داده می‌شود. در سراسر جامعه هندی، مکانیزم‌های کار اجباری و بردگی، شدیدا موذی و قدرتمند هستند و برای کودکانی که در این سیستمی گیر افتاده‌اند، نزدیک به غیرممکن است که از آن فرار کنند. کارگردان هندی، پانکاج جوهر، به آمارهای غم‌انگیز اشاره می کند و نشان می‌دهد که چ...
زن اسیر شده⎜چرا برده داری؟⎜(مستند)
Просмотров 1915 месяцев назад
"یک زن اسیر" تصویری خام و نگاه دقیق از روانشناسی پشت بردگی است. برنادت توزا ریتر، کارگردان برنده جایزه، مطالعه ای تداعی کننده درباره زنی ارائه می دهد که چنان تحقیر شده و مورد بی اعتنایی قرار گرفته است که حتی خود او نیز زندگی خود را فراموش کرده و از دست داده است. هنگامی که یک دوستی نزدیک بین زن اسیر شده (ماریش) و فیلمساز شکل می گیرد، اعتماد به نفس ماریش به آرامی باز می گردد و او شروع به تصور زند...
Are dictators ever good? We ask Slavoj Zizek, Vivienne Westwood, Alex Gibney and more
Просмотров 67810 месяцев назад
What does Slavoj Zizek, Vivienne Westwood, Alex Gibney, Susanne Bier think about democracy? As part of our Why Democracy documentary series, we asked prominent people from all walks of life to give us their thoughts on 10 questions about democracy. People in this episde: Claes Borgström Anders Fogh-Rasmussen Jan Pronk Liza Marklund Paolo Roberto Nick Fraser Tariq Ramadan Daniel Libeskind Susann...
President ⎜Nelson Chamisa vs. Emmerson Mnangagwa ⎜FULL DOCUMENTARY FILM
Просмотров 64 тыс.Год назад
Zimbabwe is at a crossroads. The new leader of the opposition party, MDC, Nelson Chamisa, is challenging the old guard, ZANU-PF, represented by the acting president Emmerson Mnangagwa, also known as ‘the crocodile’. The election will be the ultimate test for both the ruling party and for the opposition. How will they interpret the principles of democracy in a post-Mugabe era - in discourse and ...
An unfiltered talk with Mette Hoffmann Meyer ⎜ WHY ARGUE?
Просмотров 314Год назад
Spearheading the Danish documentary film industry for years, she co-founded the popular ›Dokumania‹ series on DR and has worked on most of the award winning films produced in Denmark. As the CEO of the THE WHY Foundation, her focus is providing human rights focused documentaries to all corners of the world. Drawing on 30 years of experience, Mette speaks frankly and openly about the power of st...
A talk about hope in documentary films ⎜ WHY ARGUE?
Просмотров 564Год назад
A talk about hope in documentary films ⎜ WHY ARGUE?
What is the information gap? ⎜THE WHY
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What is the information gap? ⎜THE WHY
Coming of Age (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
Просмотров 745Год назад
Coming of Age (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
Don't Shoot (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
Просмотров 293Год назад
Don't Shoot (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
Famous Last Words (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
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Famous Last Words (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
Feminine, Masculine (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
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Feminine, Masculine (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
From Buddha to Mao (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
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From Buddha to Mao (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
Interferenze (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
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Interferenze (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
Kinshasa 2.0 (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
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Kinshasa 2.0 (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
Maria and Osmey (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
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Maria and Osmey (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
My Body My Weapon (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
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My Body My Weapon (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
Old Peter (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
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Old Peter (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
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On the Square (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
Three Blind Men (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
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Three Blind Men (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
You Cannot Hide From Allah (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
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You Cannot Hide From Allah (Short Film) ⎜WHY DEMOCRACY?
Gay in Iraq (Trailer) ⎜WHY STORIES
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Gay in Iraq (Trailer) ⎜WHY STORIES


  • @felixkimani5375
    @felixkimani5375 7 часов назад

    How do you enslave your own citizens????

  • @aaat4873
    @aaat4873 16 часов назад

    Is South Korea any better? One family in North Korea and how many Chaebols in South Korea?

  • @cyy-hh2sd
    @cyy-hh2sd День назад

    Where did the song the lady sang at the end come from?

  • @user-qw7ig5oc6m
    @user-qw7ig5oc6m 2 дня назад

    Yes the Monopoly of the biased rich to preserve the life for themselves n of course to preserve the future lifestyle of their privileged of few rich descendants.Gone were the genuine philanthropy of the earlier Rich of Rockefellers etc.Where policy lobbying for only their personal interests n not heavily penalize for relentlessly destroying the Earth's environment n equality in the fabric of the general society.The government lack of funds to upgrade the aging infrastructure concealed the easy convenience of the lack of spirits n cowardice plus selfishness of the elite few.The total lack of moral guilt of polluting not only their mind n also fragile environment.The endless desire of Greed for more money n manipulation of personal agenda on political scene to satisfy their dreams for the future of their rich descendants.What about the rich descendant Tax .

  • @DragonMaidT
    @DragonMaidT 3 дня назад


  • @iechuanlee9326
    @iechuanlee9326 4 дня назад

    There are professional soldiers unlike the Ukrainian. The Ukrainian are untrained and drafted when needed.

  • @gumahmbanyeyaalice6958
    @gumahmbanyeyaalice6958 5 дней назад

    If you are here in 2024 for your academic work, let's gather here❤️❤️. This is a whole lot but out media houses will never bring this to educate us.

  • @user-sm5fc4ze3b
    @user-sm5fc4ze3b 6 дней назад

    I guess the boss only acting that they able to have maid but actually they have none

  • @Masinko-yt4nz
    @Masinko-yt4nz 7 дней назад

    I went to 2 law schools to make it in America. It's ABOUT connections!!!!

    • @Masinko-yt4nz
      @Masinko-yt4nz 7 дней назад

      So did I!!!!

    • @Masinko-yt4nz
      @Masinko-yt4nz 7 дней назад

      I did too!!!! Americans don't get it!!!!! Putin is about to take control if Trump is elected. You can't fix stupid.

  • @Masinko-yt4nz
    @Masinko-yt4nz 7 дней назад

    @50 that could have been you, boo, in the stroller.

  • @sasanrazmi3638
    @sasanrazmi3638 7 дней назад

    خیلی مستنده خوب و جالبی بود و ازین بعد تاحالا کره شمالی و رهبر ستم گرشو ندیده بودم

  • @Alireza-kr4nu
    @Alireza-kr4nu 7 дней назад

    مستند خیلی خوب جالبی بود همیشه برام جای ی/وال بود چجوری ارز خارجی وارد کشورشون میکنن

  • @DrYiWei
    @DrYiWei 7 дней назад


  • @peresmagasi5330
    @peresmagasi5330 8 дней назад

    Achane propanda kuma nyinyi

  • @jinniyamciver-mq3np
    @jinniyamciver-mq3np 9 дней назад


  • @user-vr3wt6tz6p
    @user-vr3wt6tz6p 9 дней назад


  • @phambinhan17
    @phambinhan17 9 дней назад

    1:14 In North Korea, "dollar" is called 딸라 (ddalla), not 달러 (dalleo)

  • @yonghoongwhye1405
    @yonghoongwhye1405 9 дней назад

    Workers salary 💵 go direct to fat Kim savings account, to buy Good foods 🥩🍗🍖🍚and expensive wine 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷😁😁😁

  • @ian4serena
    @ian4serena 11 дней назад

    i want to leave canada and move to north korea and live there. you have more rights and fredoms

  • @wyattwest8375
    @wyattwest8375 11 дней назад


  • @michaelplank8966
    @michaelplank8966 12 дней назад

    Tony blair the opening of the flood gates of forieners on a very small unique island what do you think happened

  • @kaygeayla
    @kaygeayla 12 дней назад

    This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the problems in the middle east. 😅

  • @kaygeayla
    @kaygeayla 12 дней назад

    Guess which country in the middle east where this ISNT happening, and that actually treats these workers with dignity? I'll clue you in... The enemy of all these abusers.

  • @kfh123
    @kfh123 12 дней назад

    And now Jeffrey Sachs does propaganda for the oligarch of the oligarchs: Wladimir Putin. How the mighty have fallen.

  • @user-100proshares
    @user-100proshares 13 дней назад


  • @user-mh8sp8yk5v
    @user-mh8sp8yk5v 14 дней назад


  • @janebaker9711
    @janebaker9711 14 дней назад

    Corruption and bad bad people

  • @smarthungyo
    @smarthungyo 14 дней назад

    Why hire help if you can’t even treat them as human?

  • @shaofengdang4981
    @shaofengdang4981 15 дней назад


  • @taofan7756
    @taofan7756 16 дней назад


  • @user-rw9vg2ox4o
    @user-rw9vg2ox4o 16 дней назад

    这个老师说的很准确,商业院校 就是一个公司 不是教育机构

  • @dainagrn7030
    @dainagrn7030 17 дней назад

    When middle Easterns and muslims will create good cars, good computer games/music etc maybe then they could allow themselves to be arrogant. But now go hide somewhere. I don't care that your food is tasty or maybe not for me. Not everything is measured with stomach.

  • @CarolineThoo-fd2dw
    @CarolineThoo-fd2dw 18 дней назад

    I just have like a question sorry maybe it's me being naive why do women keep making babies. They can barely feed themselves why. This has been going on for centuries u all go undercover making documentaries but u stop at the brutally the rapes all lips service.. Nothing is getting through we can se the same thing over and over again. Show the brutality the distress .U keep doing the same thing u will always get the same result.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH THESE R REAL GIRLS real suffering blow the lid off of this horrendous cruel toture that exists. We all know it's there What r u waiting for. There r more slaves then there are of them. people . This man I recognize from 6yrs ago . Do u hear the bullshit he talks about. The call of humanity is screaming and no one is answering to the call. SHAME .

  • @dainagrn7030
    @dainagrn7030 18 дней назад

    They tell middle Easterns are so generous. Yes, when you are a tourist. Very easy to be generous when you have profit of it. Try to live there and you will see no generosity as in whole third world. That's why they all run to the west.

  • @dainagrn7030
    @dainagrn7030 18 дней назад

    Middle Easterns - the most arrogant people on earth. I'm so sad that they are infecting all north and east Europe with them. My country is clean now but it will be dirty when they will become majority.

  • @farinshore8900
    @farinshore8900 19 дней назад

    Part of Miss Rands philosophy was a living wage for workers. A wage that allowed mechanics to educate their children in universities. The Republican party conveniently forgets this detail.

  • @farinshore8900
    @farinshore8900 19 дней назад

    The truth is that getting to the top rewards ruthlessness more than hard work.

  • @ToroTorres-kb8jb
    @ToroTorres-kb8jb 21 день назад


  • @user-kv6ml7jc7h
    @user-kv6ml7jc7h 22 дня назад


  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt 22 дня назад

    Not everybody is meant to be rich. Firstly it’s not possible for everyone. Some will but most won’t. And not everyone has the aspirations to be rich. Yes they’d like a lot of money but invariably they don’t have either the mental mindset to be rich or they don’t have the prerequisite abilities. And though it’s tough for a lot of people most of them are better off than the Amish who don’t have cars or TV or phones or electric power, plowing the fields with horse and plough. And actually, today’s USA poor are wealthier than most of the ancient Romans who had it tough with no running water or flush toilets. But compared to the days of feudalism when it was impossible to get out of that life, today it is possible, albeit it somewhat unlikely. Being rich isn’t a guarantee of happiness though money answers many things. Getting rich overnight isn’t a realistic expectation unless it has been preceded by years of trying. Therefore getting rich should not be the goal but instead it should be the pursuit of a state of well being. A state of contentment, and if your family should after a few generations become wealthy then so be it. Those who are opposed to the rich wound themselves with the unnecessary wounds of envy. Live within your means. Be grateful for what you have. Row your own boat and stop comparing yourselves with the rich. And hey guess what. You’ll be happy. And that’s true riches.

  • @donelkingii3738
    @donelkingii3738 22 дня назад

    Why women? For sex you idiot. Why esle? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @user-rj5lf3qc3y
    @user-rj5lf3qc3y 23 дня назад


  • @fol6154
    @fol6154 25 дней назад

    Did the useless ICC mentioned anything at all about this, that the treatment befits theirs definition of “Crime Against Humanity - consist’s of; murder, extermination, enslavement, torture, forcible transfer of populations, imprisonment, rape, persecution, enforced disappearance ….etc ?” …. No. Is it Because, Israel is not involved. If the Arabs are, the ICC is quite as a fucking rat. And this has been occurring for +20years. The hypocrisy with the ICC is appalling.

  • @user-wf9nz1tf4j
    @user-wf9nz1tf4j 27 дней назад

    上大学 不是不对 只不过是 根本提供不了多少岗位 上大学能上完 上完之后呢?哎。。。

  • @el-hp1lj
    @el-hp1lj 27 дней назад

    You're vote doesn't matter. It never has. It never will.

  • @twhite8308
    @twhite8308 27 дней назад

    Respect vulture capitalists. It's the American way.

  • @Yinruchenyan
    @Yinruchenyan 27 дней назад

    对于加班 你怎么看~哎!!

  • @Yinruchenyan
    @Yinruchenyan 27 дней назад

    中国有一句古话 识时务者为俊杰~~😂

  • @tschnucki3578
    @tschnucki3578 28 дней назад


  • @taoma-my1rb
    @taoma-my1rb 28 дней назад


    • @surixu6466
      @surixu6466 17 дней назад


    • @surixu6466
      @surixu6466 17 дней назад


    • @taoma-my1rb
      @taoma-my1rb 17 дней назад

      @@surixu6466 嗯 2012年 开头有高考年份